Bringing together nurses and carers from across the globe


We were founded in Great Britain in 2000 as a Millennium initiative by our president, Arnold Baker, when he was able to encourage a group of Freemen of various towns and cities in England and Wales to start a new guild of Freemen and Nurses. Each of those Freemen were either nurses or carers at that time and their aim was simply to raise charitable funding for third world countries. These aims were pursued with vigor and our membership, whilst at that time confined to Freemen of towns in England and Wales grew, as did our enthusiasm to deliver positive changes to peoples lives in third world countries.

Very few countries now know or acknowledge freemen, for this reason we have moved with the times, to widen our membership and inclusivity, see more on our membership page.

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash
Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash


The whole world has been rocked and practically brought to it’s knees due to Covid19. Nurses and Carers across the globe are waging a war most valliantly, against an unseen and little known ememy and whilst we are winning, lots of battles, the war is yet to be won. At this moment in time, brave nurses and carers are laying down their own lives, in dedicated service to their patients wherever they may be, facing an unkown risk, for the good of others is indeed the selfless role of nurses and carers everywhere.

The Guild wishes to place on public record, in every land, that the dedication, committment of nurses and carers is understood and celebrated by the guild. We send forward the guilds condolances the the families, collegues and friends of all nurses and carers who have laid down their lives in this fight. They shall not be forgotten by the guild. The guild also wishes to send our thanks to nurses and cares in every country, for their dedicated commitment to patients who have been harmed by Covid19.


The guild is only as strong as its membership, we therefore hope to encourage nurses and carers of every rank or grade and of any nation to become members of the guild. In the broadest terms, as our membership grows your voice will grow and we do need to be speaking on your behalf with confidence and with a good weight of international membership behind us. For this reason there are several types of membership available to meet every need.
Please take the time to look at each class of membership in turn in the hope that there is something for you.

If you see anything on our website which may also be of interest to your friends or colleagues we would be very grateful if you would kindly draw their attention to it. Many hands can make light work and if we all pull in the same direction who knows what marvellous improvements we can slowly introduce which will help transform the working lives of yourself and of nurses and carers everywhere.

For more detailed information on membership, please click here.


The Guild’s beautiful hard enamelled badge is available to all new members.

Our membership application form for each grade of membership invites new applicants for membership to apply for a badge alongside their application for membership, existing members who need replacement badges may apply for them in the usual manner.

The badge is only available to guild members who may wear it with pride. So as you travel around the world keep an eye out for the badge and try to introduce yourself to its wearer whenever you see it as we all share a common affinity and you will be amongst friends.



We regard confidentiality of patients and our members as sacristant and this point is covered in our codes of conduct for this reason we would never betray your trust in disclosing the names and addresses of our members to anyone without that members express consent.

In the event that any person or organization wished to contact or trace a member of the guild via the guild we would contact that member directly and advise them that a third party wished to contact them and then leave it to our member to follow it up should they wish to do so.

The guild’s membership roll is a closed document only used within the guild for administrative purposes we would not release details of our membership to any organisation for marketing purposes and we shall always comply with the requirements of the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act.


The International Guild of Nurses and Carers is the open honest and sometimes a deliberately provocative voice shouting on behalf of our members and nurses and carers everywhere with the aim of getting better deal for them wherever they may be. We would never shy away from saying what needs to be said even if a particular government does not like to hear what we are saying. Having said this we also recognise that shouting, bluff and fuss does not always have the desired effect and that sometimes having a meaningful dialogue with all interested parties can do just as much good via a more diplomatic approach. The guild will usually provide a spokesman for TV, radio or the media whenever the need arises so media enquiries via our contact page are always welcome. Should any member have any media story upon which they would like us to comment, please contact the guild and we will consider making a contribution to the piece if we are able to do so.


Beautiful stained glass windows across the world are a timeless reminder to celebrate past achievements in nursing and caring. Please note their presence wherever you see them and do let us know where they are and we will post a note of their existence on our web site. To supply any information to the guild, you can use our contact form here
contact form